Les Européens, qui cherchent à poursuivre la guerre par procuration, se disent apparemment soucieux, bien que tardivement, du rétablissement de la paix et soutiennent la diplomatie de Trump. Après avoir été malmené par le président Trump en direct à la télévision, puis poussé hors de la Maison-Blanche, l’Ukrainien Zelensky a …
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Can Syria Survive?
On February 25, Syria held a National Dialogue Conference, which is supposed to help the country come together after years of civil war and the toppling of the Assad regime. Syria’s new president, Ahmad Shara’a, spoke at the event and warned that Syria must not be partitioned. “Syrian history has …
Read More »It’s Time for Syria’s Kurds to Fold
Kurdish autonomy is a problem that today’s Syria can’t afford. On a recent trip that I took across Syria, one thing was palpably clear: Syrians were universally elated to be free from the iron grip of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. For now, that euphoria is inspiring and sustaining a semblance of …
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