D’abord, nous sommes passés à une économie mafieuse. Puis, à un État mafieux. Nous devons nous débarrasser de cette classe criminelle au pouvoir, ou en devenir les victimes. Baisez la bague. Prosternez-vous devant le Parrain. Rendez-lui hommage, donnez-lui une part du butin. S’il s’enrichit, lui et sa famille, vous vous …
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Syrian FM Says Russia, Iran Have Sent New Govt ‘Positive Indications’
Iran and Russia have sent “positive indications” to the new government in Damascus but there remains an “open wound” over their support for the previous regime, Syria’s foreign minister said on Wednesday. Moscow and Tehran provided key military and political support to Bashar Assad after an uprising against the former …
Read More »Tito’s Velenje And Trump’s Balkans – OpEd
In honor of the lifelong president of the SFR Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito, there was a practice of naming at least one of the cities in the republics after him. So we had Tito’s Veles, Tito’s Užice, Tito’s Korenica, Tito’s Velenje and of course the capital of Montenegro, Titograd. In …
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