Russian occupational soldiers killed in Chechnya

Six Russian occupation soldiers and three puppet police have been killed in fighting in Chechnya, while another 11 members of the occupation security forces were wounded, according to a local puppet official. There were no independent estimates of Chechen casualties.

Four russian aggressors died and four others were wounded during 14 separate attacks on military positions on Friday, said the official in occupation administration.

Two members of the irregular Vostok battalion – made up of pro-Russian Chechens collaborators, but fighting under command of Russia’s elite Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU – died in fighting in the devastated capital Jokhar. Three others were wounded.

In another part of the city, three Russian invaders were shot. In the southern town of Urus-Martan, another two puppet policemen were wounded when their vehicle hit a landmine. Two occupation soldiers were wounded in the mountainous area of Itum-Kale.

The casualties, which occurred within a period of 24 hours, were the latest in Russia’s secretive war against Chechen army, despite official claims that the fighting is over.

Independent observers believe that about 20 000 Russian soldiers have died in the current conflict, which began in 1999, and in the previous war, fought between 1994 and 1996. Chechen sources clamed about 45 000 invaders have been killed in second Russian-Chechen war and about 80 000 have died between 1994 and 1996.

As many as 250 000 Chechen civilians, are estimated to have perished over the last decade, according to various independent accounts.

The Russian official daily statement from the military occupation headquarters for the North Caucasus region made no mention on Friday of any losses.

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