Columbia Stresses Iran’s Access to Nuclear Technology

A0134451.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Columbian Vice-President stressed his country’s full support for Iran’s right of access to peaceful nuclear technology.

Francisco Santos Calderon made the aforementioned remarks in a meeting with the Iranian President on the sidelines of the 14th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the Cuban capital city of Havana on Friday.

During the meeting, the Columbian official viewed access and use of the peaceful nuclear energy as an inescapable future need of all countries, adding, “Therefore, all countries are entitled to gain access to the technology, but there are a few states which have turned the nuclear energy into a secret program in their own monopoly.

The official reminded that his country has always supported Iran’s right of access to peaceful nuclear energy, reiterating that Tehran has kept on moving on the path of peace.

He said Columbia believes that Iran should not be faced with any problem or impediment on the track to gain access to nuclear technology.

Calderon expressed the hope that the required grounds for the development of the two countries’ economic ties, specially in the oil and energy sectors, would soon be paved through the dispatch of several economic and trade delegations to Iran.

For his part, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voiced Tehran’s enthusiasm for developing all-out ties with all Latino states, and further stated Iran’s preparedness to transfer its experiences and boost the level of its exchanges with Columbia.

Ahmadinejad reminded Iran’s readiness for transferring its experiences and know-how in economic, industrial, trade, transportation and energy grounds to Columbia, saying that Tehran-Bogot? potentials for cooperation should be identified through exchange of visits by the two countries’ officials, businessmen and traders.

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