MP Calls on EU to Consider Iran as a Powerful Partner

A0209430.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- An Iranian lawmaker called on the EU to remember that Iran is a powerful and nuclear state which can play the role of a desirable partner for Europe.

Speaking to FNA, member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hamid Reza Haji Baba’ee noted the recent statements of the French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, and reminded that the EU and other states are fully aware of the fact that such superficial deadlines can never serve as a solution to Iran’s nuclear issue.

Douste-Blazy has said that EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana and Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani have just a few weeks to reach an agreement on the agenda of Iran-West nuclear talks.

Representative of Hamedan at the Islamic Consultative Assembly said Tehran feels special respect for the negotiations with Solana, and further reminded that Larijani would declare the latest stances of the Islamic Republic during his upcoming talks with Solana.

He called on the two sides to study fundamental ways leading to mutual confidence, reiterating, “Mr. Solana should be reminded that the Untied States’ pressures and its belligerent attitudes must not produce any impact on the expression of facts by the EU.

Haji Baba’ee called on the Europeans to think independently, and continued, “The EU must attach special significance to Iran, considering the giant developments which have recently taken place in the world and Iran’s unique position and its determining role in regional balances.”

He described Iran as a powerful and established nuclear state which can play the role of a desirable partner for Europe and which can reinvigorate the role of Europe in the region.

“As Iran has never had an improper performance and never threatened the security of any other country in the last one hundred years, and considering its peace-loving nature and antecedence, the required grounds must be paved for the acceptance of such a country at the international arenas,” the lawmaker stressed.

He stated that the EU is paving the ground for the entry of a nuclear Iran into the international scene through consecutive opportunities that it provides for Iran, mentioning that the European Union has accepted a nuclear Iran.

Asked about his assessment of Solana-Larijani talks, the member of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said, “Given the desirable antecedent that existed for the talks between these two officials, the desirable climate on continental Europe, the support that the member states of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) have extended to Iran and the present global atmosphere, I believe that the said talks would produce good results and I view Solana-Larijani negotiations as positive.”

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