British Marines Were Fully Aware of Presence in Iran’s Waters

A027391112.jpgBritish Marines currently in custody of Iran were fully aware of their presence in the Iranian waters and the recordings by devices in the British vessels confirm the fact. An informed source told FNA that the British Marines who inspected vessels in north western Persian Gulf in the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran, were arrested by the border guardsmen of the Islamic Republic on charges of having trespassed the borders of Iran and transferred to the mainland for providing more explanations concerning their aggressive measure.

He rejected some earlier statements that deny any aggression by 8 British sailors and 7 marines known as Royal Marines against the Iranian waters and said, “The explanations provided by the British marines and recordings made by the seized British vessels testify to the fact that the British forces were fully informed they had trespassed the Iranian waters.”

Prior to this and in July 2005, 8 British marines had also been arrested by the Iranian armed forces on charges of inattention to the international borders and illegal presence in the waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Those marines were released later when the British officials expressed their apology to the Iranian authorities.

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