Expediency Council to Ban Wholesale Administrative Changes

A0205518.jpgIran’s Expediency Council is seeking to impose a ban on politically-motivated administrative changes in Iran. Speaking to reporters here on Saturday Expediency Council Secretary Mohsen Rezaei said that once the general state policies on human resource management are approved, political inclinations will no longer play a role in major administrative changes.

“Competence should be the main criterion for hiring government employees,” he said, adding that as per the general state policies, job promotions will also be based on the employees’ performance.

Rezaei also said that as per the new policies, dismissals and appointments will have to follow legal procedures, instead of being decided by individuals.

“Once ratified, these policies will revolutionize the country’s administrative system,” he said.

Asked whether the new administrative policies would interfere with the government’s tasks, Rezaei said the policies will only promote meritocracy and restrict wholesale administrative changes.

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