Russia Ignores UNSC Resolution 1747

A02804163.jpgHosting an Iranian delegation headed by deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr last week, Russia proved inefficiency of the recent UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolution against Iran’s nuclear activities. The UN Security Council Resolution 1747 banned certain Iranian officials from traveling to other countries and called on the world states to refrain from hosting the said individuals due to their involvement in Iran’s nuclear activities, and Zolqadr is one of the Iranian officials mentioned in the list.

Zolqadr, who visited Moscow at the invitation of the Russian Federation’s border guard force, said that the Iranian delegation has attained all the goals pursued during the trip.

He viewed his one-week sojourn in Russia as a corroborative evidence of the inefficiency of the UNSC Resolution 1747 against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The acting deputy interior minister further thanked Russian officials for their desirable hospitality shown to the Iranian delegation.

“It is interesting to note that the trip took place while Russia has been among the first countries which endorsed the UN Security Council Resolution against Iran,” Zolqadr said sarcastically.

Before his present post, General Zolqadr served as the chief of staff of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) of the Islamic Republic of Iran for several years.

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