Larijani-Solana Likely to Meet in Switzerland

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani and EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana are likely to continue their new round of talks in Switzerland, an informed source told FNA here on Monday. The source who asked to remain anonymous, meantime, stressed that Brussels is still an option on the list of possible hosts of Iran-West nuclear talks.

Larijani and Solana last met each other in the Turkish capital city of Ankara, where the two sides continued talks for two days on April 25-26.

Following the Ankara meeting, the two top negotiators said that they would continue talks in about two weeks time.

The new round of Larijani-Solana talks aims to explore common grounds for the resumption of negotiations between the two sides based on a set of proposals presented by the international community.

The next meeting between the two negotiators will take place on the verge of an upcoming meeting of the UN Security Council on May 24th, where the Council members will study a third set of sanctions against Iran as a measure to convince Tehran to give up its uranium enrichment programs.

Iran insists that as a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it is entitled to nuclear fuel production and thus, demands and efforts to block its uranium enrichment activities lack legality.

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