Iran Continues N. Programs Despite Sanctions

A01853725.jpgIranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini dismissed recent threats to Tehran by the EU and the US, stressing that sanctions would not make Iranian nation give up its nuclear rights. Speaking to reporters during his weekly press conference here on Sunday, Hosseini further expressed the hope that Europeans would not allow the US to practice its unilateral policies in different world regions.

He further dismissed recent reports that Iran has slowed down its nuclear activities, saying Iran has no intention of suspending its atomic work and has not slowed down its nuclear activities.

“Iran’s nuclear activities continue as planned and scheduled,” Hosseini said in response to a question posed by Reuters about the slowed pace of enrichment activities in Iran’s Natanz nuclear site.

Reuters said that diplomats in Vienna told its reporter on Friday that Iran’s nuclear energy program seemed to have slowed in pace and that Tehran appeared well short of having 3,000 centrifuges operating by the end of July as it had planned.

Iran installed some 2,000 centrifuges during a burst of activity in the spring and proclaimed it had achieved “industrial capacity”.

Hosseini denied some European media reports that Iran might accept a suspension of its nuclear enrichment work.
“Those reports are false and the suspension (of uranium enrichment) is unacceptable. It is completely ruled out,” Hosseini said.

“Certain member states of the Group 5+1 – the five permanent UN Security Council members (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France) plus Germany) – raised this prerequisite (suspension of enrichment) which is not at all acceptable (to Tehran),” he added.

Tehran has increased cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) this month to remove outstanding issues about its atomic work.

Hosseini also said that talks between Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Undersecretary Javad Vaeedi and IAEA deputy Director General Ollie Heinonen would continue on August 20.

Asked to comment on the recent statements made by Russian foreign minister who compared nuclear cases of Iran and North Korea, the spokesman underlined that North Korea’s nuclear issue is fully different from Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.

Elsewhere, he pointed to the talks between Iran and the US over Iraq, and said, “According to the agreement made during the second round of Iran-US-Iraq talks, the relevant sides decided to form a committee to follow up to the security issues and this committee will be formed this week.”

Hosseini also confirmed an upcoming visit to Tehran by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, saying that the trip would take place on August 8.

Also asked to comment on the recent US arms aid to regional countries, he said, “Iran views reinvigoration of the Persian Gulf, neighboring and friendly states as a strengthening of itself.”

“The US stances and efforts to increase concerns in the region and undermine cordial ties among regional countries will never succeed,” he said.

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