Iranian Speaker Meets Swiss Counterpart

A009056867.jpgIranian Parliament Speaker in a meeting with his Swiss counterpart complained that a wrong image of the Islamic Revolution has been presented in the West, and called on Switzerland, as an impartial state, to portray the correct image of the Iranian revolution in the West. During the meeting, Gholam Ali Haddad Adel also described the two countries’ relations as good, and voiced pleasure in the recent positive developments in Tehran-Bern political and economic ties.

He also viewed Switzerland’s efforts to launch an Iran-Europe gas pipeline project as positive, and said that the measure would influence the economic fate of the entire Europe.

Elsewhere, the chief lawmaker said West has never paid due attention to Iran’s Islamic Revolution and that the picture portrayed of Iran’s Revolution in the West does not accord with the realities.

“We expect that the government and parliament of Switzerland, as an impartial state, embark on improving the knowledge and the image which has been portrayed of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he said.

The speaker also praised Switzerland’s positive stances on the peaceful solution of Iran’s nuclear issue.

The Swiss speaker, for his part, voiced his country’s support for Iran’s access and use of the nuclear technology, saying, “We understand other countries’ efforts to access the civilian nuclear technology because we are using this technology for the welfare of our people.”

“Iran intends to utilize nuclear technology for the welfare of its people as well,” he continued.

He also voiced his country’s willingness to establish friendly ties with Iran, saying, “Switzerland is a small country and is willing to have cordial ties with such great countries as Iran.”

The lawmaker underlined impartiality of his country, and said Bern has always striven to act as a bridge linking those countries which have problems and differences.

He also described Haddad Adel’s visit to Geneva as a positive step in the consolidation of Tehran-Bern mutual ties.

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