Minister Briefs Togolese Counterpart on Iran’s Scientific Prospects

A00121165.jpgIranian Science Minister Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi met with his Togolese counterpart Fidel Nouboukpo here in Tehran on Saturday. During the meeting, Zahedi briefed Nouboukpo about Iran’s scientific prospects, saying that according to the country’s 20-year envision plan, Iran should stand the first in scientific and technological production in southwest Asia and among Islamic countries by the year 2024.

“We have, fortunately, succeeded in making remarkable progress in certain scientific fields. As regards progress in the field of nanotechnology, Iran stands the first in the region and the 26th among the world countries,” he said.

“Meantime, Iran is among the only 9 world countries that possess nuclear fuel production cycle,” the minister said, adding that Iran also stands the first in west Asia in creating parks of science and technology.

For his part, Togo’s higher education and research minister said his country believes in south-south cooperation.

“We are among those countries which believe that we should cooperate with the countries of the south instead of looking at the northern and European countries for scientific cooperation,” he said.

“We have learned from the history that Iranian nation has a great civilization. Therefore, we are in need of scientific cooperation with this country and we believe that Iran’s experiences will be useful for us,” Fidel Nouboukpo added.

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