Greek Partly Leaves Albania’s Government

resizer52The Union for Human Rights Party, PBDNJ, announced on Wednesday that it was dropping out of the coalition the centre-right government of Prime Minister Berisha, to join the Socialist of Tirana mayor Edi Rama ahead of the June 28 elections.

Speaking in front of reporters the head of PBDNJ Vangjel Dule, said that negotiations for a possible coalition with Prime Minister Berisha had failed and as a result his party, which represents the Greek Minority in Albania, would join the leftist coalition, “Union for Change,” headed by the Socialist Party of Edi Rama.

“We have had a long tradition of cooperation both with the left and the right, however with the utmost correctness we did not progress in the negotiations with the Democratic Party of Prime Minister Berisha,” said Dule.

“With the Socialists the negotiations to cooperate in the June 28 elections were more successful,” he added.

On Thursday the Minister of Labor and Equal Opportunities, Anastas Duro, which represented PBDNJ in the current government, resigned.

PBDNJ was part of the ruling coalition of PM Berisha for the last four years, joining the right after the 2005 parliamentary elections.

PBDNJ normally registers between 2 to 3 per cent of the national vote in parliamentary elections.

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