Albanian opposition says to boycott parliament


Albanian opposition the Socialist Party said on Saturday that it will boycott the first session of the country’s new parliament set for Monday, Xinhua news agency reported.
Opposition lawmakers met Saturday and called for an investigation into the conduct by the ruling Democratic Party of Prime Minister Sali Berisha in the June 28 general election, which they claimed was rigged.

The Socialist Party has said it refuses to recognize the results of the parliamentary elections, which it said were marred by voting irregularities.
Berisha’s Democrats won 70 seats in the 140-seat parliament, while the opposition Socialists, led by Edi Rama, has 66 seats.

The Democrats have secured enough seats to govern for another 4-year term after it allied itself with the Socialist Movement for Integration, which won four seats in the elections.

Albanian President Bamir Topi announced at the end of last month the new parliament will hold its first session on September 7, more than two months after the elections.
Topi is expected to designate Berisha as the next prime minister shortly after the parliament session opens, and Berisha is also expected to announce his new cabinet on the same day.

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