Eagleburger hopes Macedonian-Greek relations to improve after power change in Greece

The former US Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger hopes Macedonian-Greek relations to improve after power change in Greece. Pointing he is not expert on Greek policy, Eagleburger expressed his hope that probably the new Greek government would accept the name not to stand in Macedonia’s way to NATO and EU. 

In his words now the chances are better but nothing is absolutely sure. Eagleburger denied in his statement for the Macedonian television the information about he has said there has been an agreement on the name North Macedonia.

“Your name was and will always be Macedonia, the country has the right to call itself whatever it wants and not to be exerted pressure on accepting another one,” noted the former US Secretary of State.

He wished Macedonia to be recognized by all countries in the region under its constitutional name like US did.

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