Topi moves to help Albania overcome political impasse

img91Albanian President Bamir Topi expressed willingness to help his country overcome the political crisis.

Commenting the protest rallies staged by opposition Socialist Party, President Topi said he was ready to broker the talks between the opposition and the government in order to bridge the impasse, but he stressed that consent by both parties is needed.

The opposition Socialists said they would approve president’s mediation. Government officials have not yet responded to president’s proposal.

Annalists reckon that president’s mediation could produce positive guidelines on how to overcome the crisis amid massive protests.

Socialists boycott the parliament, blaming the prime minister of election fraud. As many as 65 Socialists’ MPs boycott the 140-seat parliament, blocking passage of important laws that are necessary to the country’s EU entry bid.

On Monday, opposition leader Edi Rama gave Prime Minister Sali Berisha a 10-day deadline to allow recount of ballots cast in June’s elections. Socialists threatened to stage further protests over alleged electoral fraud if PM Berisha refused to recount votes cast in June’s disputed poll within the next 10 days.

PM Berisha earlier rejected the Socialists’ call for a recount of ballots cast in June 28 parliamentary elections.

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