Bildt: I don’t believe in veto

reI don’t believe that it will come to a veto situation, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, who arrived unannounced late Thursday in Skopje, said.

He believes that Gruevski-Papandreou meeting, set to be held today in the Greek part of Prespa Lake, will improve regional cooperation.

“It’s a good thing they will meet. Albanian PM will also attend the regional conference and they will discuss on cooperation in the environmental protection and sustainable development of the Prespa region. This will improve the regional cooperation”, Bildt said.

He added that name dispute is to be discussed between Prime minister Gruevski and Papandreou.

“The two prime ministers should discuss on whether there is a possibility to make a progress on name issue. I believe this could be solved, but this is a bilateral issue between both of them and it’s not my job to give an opinion on whether they’ll make a progress”, Bildt noted.

Swedish Foreign Minister arrived unannounced on late Thursday and met Macedonia’s top officials.

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