Kosovo’s Sejdiu asks international community to help dissolve Serb parallel structures

img1Kosovo’s President Fatmir Sejdiu has asked EULEX and the International Civilian Office (ICO) to support authorities in their efforts to dissolve Serb parallel structures in Kosovo.

Sejdiu met on Tuesday (January 5th) with EULEX chief Yves de Kermabon and ICO official Fletcher Burton to discuss the recent appointment of judges and prosecutors by Belgrade to the Serb parallel courts. “The Republic of Kosovo is committed to fully implementing the Ahtisaari plan, which also includes the dissolution of parallel structures. It is the obligation of Kosovo institutions to co-operate with international partners and undertake all necessary actions to fulfil this obligation,” Sejdiu said, adding that there is only one judicial system and any attempt to violate this is illegal. ICO spokesperson Andy McGuffie agreed, saying Kosovo has its own legal structure and actions to weaken it are unacceptable.

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