Ivanov: Macedonia shall not change its stance on name issue

Macedonian top officials are in constant coordination regarding name dispute with Greece and Macedonia’s stance has been announced to US Ambassador and Macedonian name negotiator Zoran Jolevski.

Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov made the remarks following the question about whether Macedonian authorities share the same stance on name issue.

We can’t predict whether Matthew Nimetz will give us a new suggestion, but we expect that he will come with some indications, because he is familiar with Macedonian and Greek positions.

Once more, Macedonian President Ivanov confirmed that top officials have established a joint state strategy.

UN special envoy in name dispute Matthew Nimetz will visit Skopje following the invitation send by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is not known whether he will have separate meeting or joint meetings with Macedonian top officials.

Matthew Nimetz hasn’t confirmed the date of his visit to Athens.

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