Greek PM: Serbia’s future is in EU

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said in Belgrade that Serbia’s future is in the EU and that Serbia needs to become a member as soon as possible. At the end of an event called Serbia on the Road to Europe – 10 Years Later, Papandreou said that in 2000, the people of Serbia chose democracy, in a peaceful way.

“For this, we are proud of your contribution,” Papandreou said, commending Oct. 5 uprising leaders and later prime ministers Vojislav Koštunica, Zoran Đinđić and Boris Tadić on their roles after Oct. 5.

He recalled a pledge that he made to late Premier Đinđić at his funeral in March 2003 — that Serbia would join the EU. He reiterated his commitment to helping Serbia gain EU membership again on Oct. 5.

In addition to Serbian government representatives, NGO and EU representatives in Belgrade, the event was attended by European Parliament officials Eduard Kukan and Jelko Kacin, Slovakian Foreign Minister Mikulas Dzurinda and others.

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