Kosovo won’t accept agreement, government says

Kosovo government has announced that the agreement reached by KFOR Commander Erhard Buhler and Serbian government representatives is unfeasible.

The Kosovo authorities also added that embargo on Serbian goods would remain in effect.

Serbian representatives and the KFOR commander reached an agreement on Wednesday, according to which KFOR will keep control over Brnjak and Jarinje administrative crossings until mid-September.

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci earlier accused Belgrade team head Borislav Stefanović and Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović of being responsible for the situation in northern Kosovo and assessed that Kosovo had support of the EU and the U.S.

At a government meeting, the Kosovo PM accused Stefanović and Bogdanović of motivating Serbs to do illegal activities by leading those activities and of illegal entries into Kosovo.

“There will be no return to the situation before July 25. This position has been confirmed by Brussels and the U.S., that there will be no return. The situation will not be repeated and we will definitely fully respect the laws and constitutionality in order to completely stop the smuggling. All international officials are surprised that we did not do this ten years ago, and not by the fact that we made such a decision now,” Thaci stressed.

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