Serbia refused extradition of Vucurevic to Croatia for war crimes allegations

A court in Serbia has decided that there are no legal grounds to extradite Bozidar Vucurevic to Croatia where he is wanted for ordering the shelling of Dubrovnik during Croatia’s war of independence.

At the time relevant to the accusations, Vucurevic was wartime mayor of Trebinje, a town on the southernmost tip of Bosnia and Herzegovina, close to Dubrovnik.

In October 2008, the Dubrovnik County Prosecutor’s Office indicted him for war crimes against civilians and the destruction of cultural monuments, the daily Tportal writes.

Vucurevic’s lawyer expressed hope that the Serbian Interior Minister, Ivica Dacic, would keep his promise and give Vucurevic him Serbian citizenship because “he deserved it.” Vucurevic himself has said that he is “disappointed” with his “once beloved Serbia.”

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