Pakistan underlines the need of dialogue for reconciliation in Mali

The Pakistani envoy to United Nations, Masood Khan stressed dialogue aimed at national reconciliation in Mali, said an official press release on Friday.

According to the press release, important steps have been taken recently to help restore constitutional order and stability in Mali.

Pakistan has called for “constant vigilance” by the international community as the African country faces many challenges that stem from within as well as beyond its borders.

Mali has witnessed a military coup detat, renewed fighting between government forces and Tuareg rebels, and the seizure of its northern territory by radical militants since 2012.

Masood said, “The principal challenges for the (Malian) authorities now is to restore sate authority, ensure security and bring an end to impunity.” Boubacar Keita was sworn in as the new President of the state, which was a significant step towards the full restoration of constitutional order through the presidential election this summer. The Pakistani envoy said, “Security continues to remain fragile in Mali especially in view of the attacks by the extremist armed groups as well as inter-communal tensions.” Masood said, “We remain concerned at the overall human rights and humanitarian situation in Mali despite some recent progress,” adding that preservation of the Malian cultural heritage should continue to remain under focus.

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