Fabius, Kerry discuss Mideast situation

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius hosted talks here Wednesday with US Secretary-of-State John Kerry on developments in the international talks on Iran’s controversial nuclear programmes and also other crises, including the Ebola epidemic and the situation in the Middle East.

In a brief statement after the meeting, both officials portrayed a consistent position on Iran’s rights and obligations relative to the “5+1” talks that are ongoing in Vienna and due to conclude on November 24.

Iran has recently offered to export its enriched uranium stockpiles to Russia for processing and conversion into fuel rods for the Bushehr functioning reactor thus ending concerns the uranium could be deviated into a weapons programme.

Kerry warned that Iran would not be allowed to move on a path to building a nuclear weapon, but said it could pursue civilian nuclear capacity.

“They have a right to a peaceful programme,” Kerry said in Paris, “but not a track to a bomb.” Iran is insisting on its right to develop nuclear energy for its fast growing needs and has consistently refuted accusations that it has done some work on a military component within its nuclear activities.

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