Sudan govt accepts invitation to talks with rebels

Khartoum – The Sudanese government announced on Wednesday that he accepted the invitation of the African Union to participate in peace talks with the rebel Sudan Liberation-North Popular Movement in Addis Ababa next month.
The SPLM-N was struggling with the forces of Khartoum in southern Blue Nile and South Kordofan States since 2011 and did not immediately say whether they attend.
“The Sudanese government has received an invitation to a new round of negotiations on the two areas with the SPLM-N on November 2 in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, and the invitation was for both parties,” said Hussein Kershoum, a member of the government delegation for the negotiations.
Kershoum said the government was ready to attend.
A cycle of last year’s negotiations ended without result.
The latest invitation comes Khartoum redouble its efforts to persuade the SPLM-N and rebels from the Darfur western region to join a national dialogue, to resolve the insurgency on the outskirts of the country and repair an ailing economy.
Three main Darfur rebel groups and the SPLM-N, which are part of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), refused to participate and called for a meeting outside the country to set conditions for dialogue.

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