Libya makes efforts in peace process

Benghazi – International attempts to end the chaos in Libya has taken a step forward on Monday a new government of national unity was proposed to lawmakers.
A tip UN-backed rival Libyan factions announced the formation of the revised cabinet Sunday night, after a previous government was defeated last month in a blow to peace efforts.
Years of political turmoil since the overthrow in 2011 of long-serving dictator Muammar Gaddafi left Libya divided between rival governments and plagued by violence that forces battle militia for power.
The nation of the oil-rich North Africa has also become a haven increasingly important to the group Islamic State just across the Mediterranean from Europe.
Members of Parliament internationally recognized Libya, based in the eastern city of Tobruk, met and adjourned on Tuesday after it was reported earlier that the vote on the new government would be held later Monday.
“Members want to know the government’s program and discuss the CVs of ministers,” said MP Khalifa al-Daghari AFP.
Cabinet approval – led by Prime Minister-designate Fayez al-Sarraj – would be an essential step in resolving political turmoil in Libya, ending months of difficult diplomacy.
Daghari also indicated that members wanted Sarraj to attend the next session.

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