US warplanes hit IS in south Libya

US fighter aircraft carried out Monday night three airstrikes targeting houses in Al-Firda, Brak Al-Shatti, southern Libya, said the spokesman of the Third Force appointed to secure the southern region, Mohammed Gliwan.
“There were prominent IS leaders in the house.” Gliwan added.
Three houses were demolished by the US airstrike.
“Two houses were hosting IS leader known as Abu Mosab, and his driver who works in the Hisbah Bureau (Court) in Sirte. These two were also hosting a group of unknown persons inside the houses.” Gliwan said.
He added that the third house hit by US airstrikes was for a family from Mauritania and their house was damaged by the bombing of the two IS houses and by the explosion of the ammunition that the IS sleeper cell was hiding inside their houses.

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