The new Iron Curtain that’s descending upon Western Eurasia from the Arctic (Finland) to Central Europe (Poland) via the Baltics is for psychological purposes to scare Europeans into doing whatever their leaders demand on false security-related pretexts so that the US can continue dividing-and-ruling them.
Polish Deputy Defense Minister Cezary Tomczyk announced on Thursday that his country will combine its new “Shield East” border security fortifications with the Baltic States’ “Baltic Shield” one, which was initially known as the “Baltic Defense Line”, to create a comprehensive series of border structures. When coupled with Finland’s newfound and foreseeably expanded ones, the end result is a new Iron Curtain from the Arctic to Central Europe. Here are some background briefings to bring everyone up to speed:
- 19 January: “Germany Is Rebuilding ‘Fortress Europe’ To Assist The US’ ‘Pivot (Back) To Asia’”
- 22 January: “The ‘Baltic Defense Line’ Is Meant To Accelerate The German-Led ‘Military Schengen’”
- 8 February: “Finland Is Opening Up NATO’s Arctic Containment Front Against Russia”
- 19 March: “Poland Is Poised To Play An Indispensable Role In Germany’s ‘Fortress Europe’”
- 13 May: “Poland’s Border Fortification Buildup Has Nothing To Do With Legitimate Threat Perceptions”
To sum it up, Poland comprehensively subordinated itself to Germany after Donald Tusk’s return to the premiership last December, which led to Germany resuming its decades-lost superpower trajectory at an accelerated pace with America’s blessing as the US “Pivots (back) to Asia” to contain China. Poland’s participation in the “military Schengen” then allowed Germany to help the Baltics, where it now has a base in Lithuania, build up their new Iron Curtain and thus assist in containing Russia on the US’ behalf.
Domestic political reasons explain why these five countries – Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland – are fearmongering about an allegedly impending Russian invasion, which the US exploits to speed up the expansion of future German military hegemony along the EU’s eastern flank. Germany is no match for Russia, but it’s spending more on defense than any of those aforesaid countries, so it can easily become their “senior partner” and then manage their collective capabilities with US oversight.
Since Russia isn’t planning to invade the EU and thus spark World War III by attacking those neighboring NATO members, in which scenario the resultant nuclear exchange with the US would end most life on earth, it doesn’t actually matter that Germany and its vassals can’t take Russia on their own. The US just wants a reliable partner who can take the lead in building up the bloc’s first line of conventional defense in order to then fan the flames of hysterical Russophobia indefinitely for divide-and-rule purposes.
The Germany of today isn’t the Germany of several generations ago that twice sought to become a superpower by force. It despises conservatism and nationalism and instead embraces liberalism and globalism, but it’s every bit as much as bigoted as before, though this time it doesn’t want to genocide anyone. Today’s Germany shares the same ideological agenda as its former American foe, which is also the unofficial secular religion of the EU that it leads, therefore setting the stage for its US-assisted rise.
Whether the global systemic transition remains on track with presently tri-multipolar processes eventually resulting in complex multipolarity (“multiplexity”) or reverts to a system of Sino-US bi-multipolarity, the US wants to ensure that the EU remains its largest vassal in the New Cold War. This requires an ideologically reliable sub-hegemon to maintain the bloc’s subordination, ergo the role that the US envisages Germany playing, which is being advanced by its role in building the new Iron Curtain.
America’s geostrategic focus will inevitably return to Asia as it pivots back to that theater of the New Cold War in order to more muscularly contain China, which is why it’s proactively facilitating the resumption of Germany’s decades-lost superpower trajectory in order to prepare for that. The whole point is to empower the rise of a sub-hegemon in Europe for containing Russia on its behalf indefinitely, therefore freeing up valuable time and resources for concentrating much more on China’s containment.
The new Iron Curtain that’s descending upon Western Eurasia from the Arctic (Finland) to Central Europe (Poland) via the Baltics is for psychological purposes to scare Europeans into doing whatever their leaders demand on false security-related pretexts so that the US can continue dividing-and-ruling them. It serves no military purpose since the German-led EU is no match for Russia, plus any war between them would also involve the US and therefore likely lead to a nuclear exchange that nobody wants.