55.5% of Iranians View 7th Parliament More Successful than 6th

A03545842.jpg55.5% of Iranians believe that the present parliament with a conservative majority has been more successful in solving people’s problems than the reformist parliament acting at the time of former President Khatami, results of a recent opinion poll suggested. The results of the poll, ordered by FNA and conducted by one of the creditable polling centers in Iran, said that 25.6% of the 10,830 people polled in different Iranian cities stated that the reformist government had served more successfully than the present parliament.

The same survey showed that 78.9% of Iranians support parliament’s approvals and policy on the country’s nuclear issue.

According to the results, 78.9% of the subjects described parliament’s performance and approvals with regard to the nuclear issue as “appropriate” and “fully appropriate”.

While 40.7% of the subjects believed that MPs have proved to be highly motivated in removing people’s problems, 25.8% said that their representatives at the parliament seem to be a little or little motivated.

The same opinion poll showed that a majority of Iranians will participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Results suggested that a minimum 44% and maximum 70% of Iranians will cast a vote in the upcoming elections.

The poll results said that 61% of the subjects viewed the upcoming parliamentary elections as crucially or highly important while 15% viewed it as a little or little important. 24% of the subjects said that elections of the 8th parliament are important to some extent.

Meantime, the poll also said that women, the educated people, the middle-class and those living in towns attached more significance to the upcoming elections than men, those with lower education, those with a high or low level of income and those living in provincial capital cities and villages.

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