Serge Brammertz visits Belgrade

Serge Brammertz is starting his two-day visit to Belgrade on Tuesday, as part of his regular activities ahead of presenting his report to UN Security Council.

During the visit, the chief Hague prosecutor will confer with Serbian President Boris Tadić, President of the National Council for Cooperation with the Hague Rasim Ljajić, War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević and representatives of security services, his Special Advisor Frederick Swinnen told Tanjug.

Brammertz recently stated that he expects that the Serbian authorities will provide him with a report on the places where Mladić had been hiding for years and on persons who assisted him.

Brammertz’s visit is aimed at finalizing the six-month report on Serbia’s cooperation with the Hague, which will be presented to the UN Security Council in mid-November, Swinnen said, adding that the the prosecutor paid a visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina last week for the same reason.

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