
Defending Israel, but not Kurdistan?

When U.S. Patriots shot down an Iranian missile over Erbil on April 15, Kurds wondered why such defenses weren’t activated when they were attacked. Late in the night of April 13, Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, was shaken by the sound of a Patriot missile battery shooting down …

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Marking 200 Days Of Israel-Hamas War, Yemen’s Houthi Ansar Allah Movement Calls For Maritime Escalation Against Israel And A ‘General Mobilization’ Of The ‘Jihadi Yemeni People’

April 24, 2024, marked 200 days since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war. On the occasion, Yemen’s Ansar Allah Houthi movement issued statement reaffirming its support for Palestinians and calling for further escalation against Israel. Houthi Political Bureau Calls For Further Maritime Escalation To Confront “Unparalleled Level Of Jewish Hatred …

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Iranian Journalist Comes Out Against The Demand To End The Gaza War Before It Has Been Decided, Attacks Hamas: No Organization Has The Right To Kill At Will

In his March 22, 2024 column in the London-based daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Iranian journalist and author Amir Taheri, who resides in the U.S., came out strongly against the solidarity with Hamas expressed around the world after the October 7 attack on Isael, and against the calls to end the Gaza …

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Qatari Shura Council Member Essa Al-Nassr: October 7 Was An Introduction To The Annihilation Of The Zionist State; There Can Be No Peace With Them; They Are The Slayers Of The Prophets

In a video posed on Ahmed Alshalfi on X (Twitter) on April 22, 2024, Qatar representative to the Arab Parliament, Shura Council Member Essa bin Ahmad Al-Nassr, said there can be no peace with the “Zionist entity.” He explained that the Zionists’ faith condones deception, the violation of agreements, and …

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Israel’s Forever War

To Israelis, October 7, 2023, is the worst day in their country’s 75-year history. Never before have so many of them been massacred and taken hostage on a single day. Thousands of heavily armed Hamas fighters managed to break through the Gaza Strip’s fortified border and into Israel, rampaging unimpeded …

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L’Occident pousse l’Ukraine à livrer sa dernière bataille

Il y a quelque chose de fascinant mais aussi d’effrayant dans le «clair obscur» de ces élections européennes (dans la plupart des élections d’ailleurs à commencer par la présidentielle des États-Unis). Entre, peu à peu, la conscience qui grandit de la volonté de l’occident de mener une guerre pour la …

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La Pologne et la Roumanie tentent-elles d’annexer une partie de l’Ukraine ?

Le conflit ukrainien aurait signifié un retour à la guerre froide entre la Russie et les États-Unis et un retour à la doctrine de l’endiguement, dont les fondements ont été posés par George F. Kennan dans son essai «The Sources of Soviet Behaviour» publié dans le magazine Foreign Affairs en …

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L’Islam tranquille et la fascination des hommes

«Les hommes ne reconnaissent plus aucune autorité effective dans l’ordre spirituel, aucun pouvoir légitime dans l’ordre temporel. Les profanes se permettent de discuter des choses sacrées (…) c’est l’inférieur qui juge le supérieur, l’ignorant qui impose des bornes à la sagesse, l’erreur qui prend le pli sur la vérité. L’humain …

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Judy Asks: Will Macron’s Vision for European Defense Gain Traction?

Amid Russia’s aggression and uncertainty around U.S. leadership, Macron is right to call for Europe’s self-reliance in defense. To achieve it, France needs to lead by example and get all allies on board. Célia Belin – Senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and head of its …

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Charting the Radical Right’s Influence on EU Foreign Policy

Summary:Despite embracing democracy, radical-right parties pose a significant challenge to the EU’s fundamental values. European leaders and institutions must address this challenge to safeguard democracy in the EU and ensure a more effective foreign policy. A New Political Landscape The political landscape in the European Union (EU) is changing rapidly. …

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