The migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers were camping out near the building in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. Libyan security forces dispersed and arrested migrants outside of a community center in Tripoli, rights groups said today. The migrants had been conducting a sit-in outside of the United Nations-affiliated center when Libyan police …
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UN extends Syria cross-border aid without challenge from Russia
The Biden administration eased restrictions on aid groups working with the Syrian government in November. The United Nations has extended authorization to deliver aid from Turkey into Syria’s opposition-held Idlib province for another six months. Bab al-Hawa is the last Syrian border crossing authorized for direct aid deliveries into parts …
Read More »Iraq’s speaker re-elected with backing of Muqtada al-Sadr
Mohammed al-Halbusi is Iraq’s speaker of parliament for a second term despite opposition from Shiite parties aligned with Iran. The first session of Iraq’s new parliament was held on Jan. 9. In that session, new parliament members voted that Mohammed al-Halbusi will serve a second term as speaker of the …
Read More »Putyin már a NATO feloszlatását követeli – Orbán Viktornak is döntenie kell, ki mellé áll
Lényegében a NATO feloszlatásával, Közép-Európa, s benne Magyarország szuverenitásának csorbításával egyenértékű az Oroszország által decemberben előterjesztett két szerződéstervezet. Noha mind az Egyesült Államok, mind a NATO elutasította az orosz ultimátumot, a hétvégén Genfben tárgyalások kezdődnek, amelyen az Ukrajna megtámadásával fenyegető Moszkva jelentős engedményeket akar kicsikarni Washingtontól. Ebben a környezetben kerül …
Read More »Kazakistan’da Rus askerleri
Kazakistan’da LPG’ye yapılan astronomik zammı protesto olarak başlayan ve hızla büyüyen, yayılan, şiddetlenen, ayaklanmaya dönüşen nümayişler o zammın geri alınmasına, hatta hükümetin istifa etmesine, üstelik protestocuların “İhtiyar, git!” sloganında kastedilen Nursultan Nazarbayev’in Milli Güvenlik Konseyi Başkanlığından alınmasına rağmen devam ediyor. Demek ki, onca yer altı zenginliğine (petrol, doğalgaz, uranyum) rağmen …
Read More »«Касым-Жомарт Токаев стал полноправным президентом Казахстана»
Президент Казахстана Касым-Жомарт Токаев поручил новому правительству ограничить доступ олигархов к экономике. Кабинету министров, в частности, предстоит остановить необоснованный вывоз капитала. Выступая перед парламентом, глава республики впервые с начала протестов упомянул Нурсултана Назарбаева. При нем в Казахстане появились очень богатые люди, и теперь пришло время поделиться с рядовыми гражданами. Токаев …
Read More »Sahel violence threatens West African coastal states
Concerns grow that violence that has long crippled countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger will spill over further south. Benin, a small coastal country in West Africa, has been relatively unscathed from a security crisis that has wreaked havoc in its northern neighbours across the Sahel region for …
Read More »Putin’s Next Move on Ukraine Is a Mystery. Just the Way He Likes It.
The contradictory, sometimes menacing messages from the Kremlin have stumped Western officials and Russia experts, showing the Russian leader’s desire to keep his rivals on edge. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has spent months massing close to 100,000 troops near the Ukraine border. But Moscow says it has no …
Read More »Iraq Is One Step Closer to Forming a New Government
Negotiations to form a new government in Iraq have entered a final, decisive phase, with the process shaping up to be a dispiriting contest among several factions that unfortunately share broadly similar authoritarian characteristics. The disputes over power-sharing arrangements and government positions are complicated, and the final lineup is still …
Read More »The U.S.-China Rivalry According to China
Much has already been said about the recent heightening of U.S.-China tensions and its potential fallout. What gets less attention is how the U.S. and China themselves perceive the status of their relationship, and how that affects their plans for the future. An analysis of prevailing elite opinion in the …
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