Given the region’s hostility to any attempt by the EU to distribute migrants around the bloc, it came as no surprise that any offers of help to fleeing Afghans appeared grudging. Given the region’s hostility to any attempt by the EU to distribute migrants around the bloc, it came as …
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Welcome Home? ISIS Returnees Test Balkan Countries’ Ability to Reintegrate
The recent repatriation of families of ISIS fighters to Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia poses a tough challenge to all three countries to rehabilitate them back into society. On July 18, North Macedonia announced that it had repatriated 23 of its citizens who had spent the last few years on …
Read More »Bosnia Must Counter Russia’s Cultivation of Far-Right Extremists
Bosnia has yet to even start resisting Russia’s patronage of far-right, ethno-nationalist groups in the country – that are deepening its already dangerous polarization. Russia engages a range of actors and tools across the Western Balkans, ranging from official diplomats to friendly oligarchs, and from informal radical groups to leading …
Read More »NATO Is a Following with Dues-Paying Members; It Must Become a Partnership
Although recent events in Afghanistan raise unavoidable questions about the future and purpose of the Alliance, the Czech president speaks only for himself and his friends in Moscow when he calls into question NATO’s legitimacy and existence. When the Tokyo Olympics recently ended, our global appetite for sport required something …
Read More »Steinmeier ocenil hrdinné výsadkáře, ne atentátníky
Je to obdivuhodná cesta, kterou v pohledu na druhou světovou válku dokázalo Německo za víc než sedmdesát pět let ujít. A nešlo jen o přiznání viny za zločiny nacismu, včetně židovského a romského holocaustu. Zásadní byla také změna pohledu na konec války a na roli těch, kteří nacistickou Třetí říši …
Read More »Algeria Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Morocco Over ‘Hostile Actions’
Algeria’s foreign minister announced Tuesday that the country was cutting diplomatic relations with Morocco, effective immediately, accusing its neighbor to the west of “hostile actions.” The consulates in each country will remain open, however. Algeria has accused “terrorist” groups of setting the forest fires that burned 62,000 hectares (239 square …
Read More »President Biden Wants All Troops Out Before ISIS-K Hits US Targets
In case US President Joe Biden was considering an extension to the deadline he set for completing the pullout from Afghanistan, a franchise of Taliban foe Islamic State operating there under the name ISIS-K has apparently increased the urgency felt at the White House by threatening terror attacks of its …
Read More »L’Allemagne s’ennuie
La formule est plus que galvaudée. Née dans l’édition du Monde du 15 mars 1968, sous la plume de Pierre Viansson-Ponté, elle a servi mille et une fois. Aujourd’hui, à près d’un mois des élections au Bundestag, elle correspond à merveille à la RFA : l’Allemagne s’ennuie. D’ailleurs, il y …
Read More »Russian army patrol rebel enclave in Syria to avert offensive, sources say
Russian forces moved into an opposition enclave in the Syrian city of Deraa on Tuesday to try to avert an army assault on a stronghold that has defied state authority since it was retaken three years ago, witnesses, residents, and army sources said. Their entry brought a halt to shelling …
Read More »Libye : Seif el-Islam Kadhafi, au nom du père
Le fils de l’ancien « Guide » de la Jamahiriya a donné une interview au « New York Times ». Il y fait part sans détour de ses ambitions politiques dans la perspective de la présidentielle prévue en décembre.
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