COVID-19 has taken the world quite a few steps backwards. Across a range of phenomena, from access to healthcare to economic inequality, COVID-19 has not just disrupted the status quo, but has served as a catalyst, hyper-charging existing trends. This pandemic seems to have had relatively little impact on the …
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China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Why Should Bangladesh Utilize Connectivity Project? – OpEd
Bangladesh has ensured it’s remarkable achievements by expanding its textile and garment industry. It’s apparel sector is booming day by day. The main product of export of Bangladesh is it’s garments. So it is easy to say that Bangladesh needs cotton. But the production of cotton is less in Bangladesh. …
Read More »How Afghanistan Will Influence Geopolitics In The Region: Uncertain Changing Power Balances – Analysis
Afghanistan was the frontline of the United States declared war on terror twenty years ago. This led to the US invasion of the country after the September 11 terrorist attacks, where there was a search for Osama bin Laden, and other leaders of the Al-Qaeda movement. The Taliban were dislodged …
Read More »Ангела Меркель і Орден Свободи
Канцлер Ангела Меркель здійснила свій останній візит до України як голова уряду Німеччини. Уже наприкінці вересня німці отримають черговий кабінет міністрів на чолі з новим керівником. За протоколом усе добре: Меркель була удостоєна однієї з найвищих державних нагород – ордена Свободи, провела кілька перемовин, пообідала та сказала своє останнє «прощавай» …
Read More »Problém se západními hodnotami
Od západních politiků jsme v poslední době slyšeli slova zklamání nad tím, že Afghánci nebyli ochotni bránit demokracii a svoji zemi. Rozčarování nad tím vyjádřili i čeští politici, stejně jako řada komentátorů. Malá ochota Afghánců bránit hodnoty, které my na Západě pokládáme za zcela zásadní, bývá většinou připisována kulturním rozdílům, …
Read More »6 major figures to lead Taliban through critical process
All eyes now turned on 6 important figures who will guide Taliban’s major decisions as group prepares to form government Though the Taliban’s ultimate decision-making body is a 26-member leadership council, or Rahbari Shura, six figures stand out for their top positions in the insurgent group. The Taliban have come …
Read More »ANALYSIS – Afghanistan comes full circle with return of Taliban
With the dramatic sweep of the Taliban across Afghanistan in the face of crumbling resistance from the Ashraf Ghani regime, the wheel of history has turned full circle. In the end, the 180,000 Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, and a police force with 150,000 personnel, besides an air force …
Read More »Taliban invite South Korea to tap Afghanistan’s mineral wealth
US had asked to use its military bases in South Korea to house Afghan refugees, says Seoul The Taliban said Afghanistan and South Korea can mutually benefit from the war-torn country’s untapped mineral fields as the group seeks to strengthen economic ties with the East Asian nation reputed for its …
Read More »Who are the Taliban leaders ruling Afghanistan?
The Taliban stunned the world with the speed of their blitz through Afghanistan and capture of Kabul on August 15. As they surged to victory, the group tried to create an image of themselves as a more moderate “Taliban 2.0” – savvy on social media and keen for good diplomatic …
Read More »Panjshir resistance digs in to defend key valley from Taliban
Atop a craggy mountain that has withstood foreign invaders for decades, anti-Taliban fighters fire a mounted heavy machine gun into a deep valley. They are members of the National Resistance Front (NRF) — the most prominent Afghan opposition group to emerge since the Taliban captured Kabul nine days ago.
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