
Attempts For Political Change In Senegal And Republic of Congo, Army Barracks Blast In Oil-Rich Equatorial Guinea

Calm has abandoned Senegal, a country in West Africa. The young people are rising up against the “wealth hoarding” political class. In Central Africa, the Republic of Congo, the opposition is seething as the 77-year-old President seeks another term. In another Central African country, Equatorial Guinea, a series of four …

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China’s Moves To Strengthen Its Atomic Arsenal – Analysis

Silo-based missile capabilities increase the odds of survivability for China’s small arsenal and are integral to Beijing’s nuclear modernisation effort. The Chinese recently moved to build a new set of missile silos. Speculation is rife about what this new development brings. Is it to bolster the survivability of the Chinese …

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The Middle East’s Changing Geopolitical Landscape And The United States – Analysis

The Middle East Region in 2021 presents a complicated kaleidoscope of churning of established geopolitical patterns and military alignments as the United States and Russia jostle for influence with China joining in substantively. Major regional States like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran and Israel also reflect the same churn.

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Transforming The Middle East: The Origins, Impact And Evolution Of The Abraham Accords – Analysis

The Abraham Accords constitute the beginning of a transformation of a region that has confounded many,and that will continue to be a vital battleground astride the security and economic interests of world powers. American leadership was a necessary but alone insufficient condition to the emergence of this agreement. American leadership …

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Corruption in Iraq: 300billion dollars wasted in a cash-strapped state

Iraq continues to be at the forefront of the world’s most corrupt countries, despite many factors that should have drawn him down on this list- including the deteriorating economic situation and worsening fiscal deficits. According to reports published by Transparency International, Iraq occupies a leading rank in corruption with nearly …

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DW: How to stop Iran-backed “Rogue” Militias?

A German report issued today said that the attack that took place in Erbil last week rendered reining in Iraq’s anti-US militant groups even “more urgent”. A report by “Deutsche Welle” referred to the NATO military alliance decision to increase numbers of troops in Iraq from 500 to 4,000. “The …

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P.M.F. brigades and two other Shiite factions march towards Sinjar

“We may come all of a sudden one night. This is the bottom line”. This statement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was not without reason, as it paves the way for a military invasion towards Sinjar – the Yazidi stronghold in Iraq – where the lines of contact are …

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New details about targeting the Global Coalition Convoy in Fallujah

Hours after the attack on US-Led Coalition convoy at the eastern entrance to the Fallujah district, east of Al-Anbar Governorate, a security source revealed details of the incident. The source told Shafaq News Agency, “The explosion caused a woman and a policeman wounded, as well as damaging one of the …

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