Poland’s ruling party appears determined to hang onto power at all costs. Recent protests against the government’s illiberal measures suggest Poles are willing to defend democracy. KRZYSZTOF BŁĘDOWSK – IVISITING ADJUNCT PROFESSOR AT THE RZESZÓW UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Yes, it is. The existing jurisprudence is sufficient in …
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Ukraine’s Winnable War
Why the West Should Help Kyiv Retake All Its Territory In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in an attempt to conquer the country and erase the independence it had gained after the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades earlier. Given the vast disparities in size and strength between the …
Read More »Syria’s Readmission To Arab League: Another Diplomatic Breakthrough In Middle East – OpEd
Over the past few months, there has been a surge of diplomatic endeavours in the Middle East, which includes an effort by certain nations within the region to establish normalized relations with Syria. A number of Arab nations have endeavoured to reintegrate the conflict-ridden nation into their collective with the …
Read More »Neoliberalism, Geopolitics and Ideology: The Taming of Giorgia Meloni
Europe keeps reminding us that geopolitical interests trump ideology. European politics is the prime example of how states and political parties are willing to ditch their very ideological foundations to hold onto power, even if briefly. The unmistakable political shift of attitude in Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her …
Read More »Serbia and Kosovo towards a possible compromise A stable reorganization in the Balkans
The Balkans is a part of the European continent that can be divided into the Eastern Balkans and the Western Balkans. In the last two decades, some countries in the region are members of the European Union, some are members of NATO, and some are on the verge of joining …
Read More »Jordan foiled ‘terrorist scheme’ to kill Shiite visitors, report says
Official paper says ISIS supporter was arrested in 2021 as tried to buy a rifle to carry out the plot Jordanian intelligence foiled a “terrorist scheme” to kill Shiite visitors at a shrine in the centre of the kingdom two years ago, the official Al Rai newspaper said on Tuesday. …
Read More »New Defense Minister Güler vows continued fight against terrorism
Türkiye’s newly appointed Defense Minister Yaşar Güler on Monday vowed to continue the country’s fight against terrorism as he took the reins of the ministry from his predecessor Hulusi Akar. “I’m taking over the flag today. Our aim is to raise this flag higher,” Güler said at the handover ceremony …
Read More »Juin 2023 : Satan rit de plaisir
Le contexte Les incendies de forêt qui se sont déclarés au Canada au début du mois de juin ont propagé leur fumée dans une grande partie de l’Amérique du Nord et plus loin encore. New York a été envahie par la fumée et, dans la soirée du 9 juin, la …
Read More »Déclaration de Rasmussen : Chantage de l’OTAN ou plan B de Zelensky ?
L’ancien secrétaire général de l’OTAN Anders Fogh Rasmussen a déclaré dans une interview accordée au Guardian que si l’OTAN ne fournissait pas de véritables garanties de sécurité à l’Ukraine, certains pays membres de l’Alliance pourraient envoyer leurs troupes sur le territoire ukrainien de leur propre chef. Que signifient ces propos …
Read More »Huit jours après le lancement de l’offensive ukrainienne, le bilan pour Kiev est désastreux
Huit jours après le lancement des premières tentatives d’offensive de l’armée ukrainienne contre les lignes défensives russes en région de Zaporijia et dans le sud de la République populaire de Donetsk (RPD), le moins que l’on puisse dire est que le bilan tant en matière de pertes, qu’en matière d’avancée …
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