
“The ruling system of Aleksandar Vučić”: Why is Serbia investing millions in new armaments?

The new arming of Serbia and the increase in the level of fear among citizens represents the system of governance of Aleksandar Vučić, according to Danas interlocutors, reacting to the statement of the President of Serbia that he will invest huge amounts of money in the defense industry and the …

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Syria and the war within

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” Sun Tzu (544- 495 BCE); The Art of War. Near past: The west supported the color revolution in the Middle East for their own gain of globalization and global …

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NATO’s destruction of Libya

Robert Gates, the former US Secretary of Defense, wrote in his memoirs that when the decision was made to launch a military attack against Afghanistan in 2001, that nobody in Washington had a real idea of how complex a nation it is. This included Afghanistan’s various ethnic groups and the …

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Une « coalition de volontaires » dirigée par les États-Unis préfigure l’éclatement de l’OTAN

La destruction du gazoduc Nord Stream est un acte de gangstérisme qui révèle le cancer au cœur de « l’ordre fondé sur des règles ». Comment peut-il y avoir paix et sécurité lorsque la nation la plus puissante du monde peut détruire les infrastructures critiques d’autres pays sans délibération ni …

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« Nous avons brûlé toutes les villes de Corée du Nord »

« Nous sommes allés là-bas et avons fait la guerre et finalement incendié toutes les villes de Corée du Nord de toute façon, d’une manière ou d’une autre… Sur une période d’environ trois ans, nous avons tué, quoi, 20% de la population ? » (Général Curtis LeMay, dans « Strategic …

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Exploiting the Earthquake: United States and West Help Polish Julani’s Image

Julani refused to admit any aid across the frontlines from Damascus to Idleb, according to Athr Press. The leader of Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Abu Muhammad al-Julani, appeared in British and American media renewing his refusal to admit the humanitarian aid convoy that Damascus prepared to relieve those affected by the …

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Syria under the American whip: Sanctions that kill

The western sanctions weapon is not new to Syria, but since 2019 it has become a lethal one, destroying entire Syrian sectors and killing its people. Some 83 years after being employed against Germany in 1940, economic sanctions have become the most widely-used tool in Washington’s arsenal to coerce adversarial …

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Pentagon responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan wars: Former US defense secretary

More than one million Iraqis were killed as the result of the US-led invasion, and subsequent occupation of the country Christopher C. Miller, a former acting head of the Pentagon, said on 9 February that senior military figures in the US should be held accountable for the failed wars in …

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Neoliberalism’s GDP Hoax and its Costly Consequences: Time for a different ‘Development’ paradigm?

It is true that economic growth – meaning rising GDP – is one of the key indicators of rising prosperity in a society though as the Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz also reminds that “Maximising GDP is not same as maximising wellbeing” puts to question the merit of overemphasis that are …

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March Against The War Machine: Hundreds Join Anti-War Rally In Washington DC

Hundreds of protesters gathered in Washington, DC Sunday for the ‘March Against the War Machine’ rally, with a number of prominent speakers from across the political spectrum of U.S. calling on the U.S. government to end its military support of Ukraine in favor of diplomacy, and slashing the Pentagon budget …

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