
Make Russia Pay

Lessons From the West’s Botched Response to Moscow’s 2008 Assault on Georgia When Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, he was confident that this new assault on the rules-based international order would not be met with serious pushback—and with good reason. For more than a decade, Putin had gotten away …

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Biden’s Foreign Policy Is a Mess

The White House Has Failed to Match Means and Ends Many foreign policy analysts breathed a sigh of relief when Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump in the White House two years ago. With Biden’s hands on the wheel (and Trump’s erratic and at times reckless tenure in the rearview), the …

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Giving RAF Typhoons to Ukraine Would Be a Very Expensive Symbolic Gesture

No options should be ruled out when it comes to helping Ukraine. But the idea of transferring UK fighter aircraft makes little military sense. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has asked the Ministry of Defence to provide options for gifting RAF fighter aircraft to Ukraine to help the country defend …

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Libertatea și datoria – Andrei Marga

Ceea ce s-a petrecut și se petrece în societățile modernității târzii nu lasă neschimbată înțelegerea valorilor. Ca urmare, și valorile moderne se pot apăra astăzi doar aducându-le la zi. Bunăoară, în deceniile postbelice, s-au acumulat învățături importante cu privire la libertate ca esență a modernității. Două sunt primordiale. Prima ne …

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Vučić o srbomrscu čije ime nije želeo da otkrije: Ovakvog nigde nisam mogao da vidim

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić gostujući na Prvoj TV rekao je da je na sednici o Kosovu bilo i optužbi o diktaturi ali i onih koje su bile „zanimljivije“, te je dodao da je četvrti put učestvovao u raspravi. „Četvrti put su neki mislili da će da obrišu patos samnom“, naveo …

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Female Fighters Of The Kurdish Opposition To Iranian Regime Train In Camps In Iraqi Kurdistan: We Participated In The Demonstrations But Had To Leave Iran Due To Security Forces Crackdown

On February 5, 2023, Al-Arabiya Network (Saudi Arabia) aired a report about Iranian Kurdish female fighters. The report said that 200 women from the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) are attending training camps in Iraqi Kurdistan, in which they are trained in the use of weapons and attend lectures about politics …

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ISIL terror threat still high and increasing in conflict zones, Security Council hears

Despite leadership losses and diminished cash reserves, the extremist group ISIL, or Da’esh, continues to pose a threat to international peace and security, the UN counter-terrorism chief warned on Thursday in New York. Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov briefed the Security Council where he presented the latest UN report on the terrorist …

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Bosnian War Train Killings Trial: Who are the Defendants?

Four Serbs are awaiting the verdict in their trial for murdering 20 passengers who were seized from a train in Strpci in Bosnia in 1993, all of them allegedly fighters subordinate to notorious paramilitary killer Milan Lukic. Dragana Djekic is no stranger to Belgrade Higher Court, where she has been …

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Milojko Spajic – Political Game Changer in Montenegro or Populist Showman?

Although his Europe Now movement was only formed last September, the former finance minister has already made a political splash – and he could be the biggest surprise in the March presidential election.Less than a year after Montenegro’s “expert” government was ousted in parliament, the former Finance Minister in it, …

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New President Could Bring Clarity to Czechia’s Ambiguous Policy on Kosovo

The change in Czech president foreshadows a prospective turn in the country’s inconsistent approach toward Kosovo, which has been characterised by the long-term clash between the outgoing pro-Serbian president and the government policy of recognition. The day after Czechs elected their new president, the fourth in the country’s post-1989 democratic …

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