
Italy Seeks Higher Profile Role in Western Balkans

A concern that Italy is not adequately exploiting its assets in the Balkans has again started to agitate Italian politicians.According to Dario D’Urso, a contributor to the CeSPI report, Italy played a leading role in the Balkans in the 1990s and early 2000s thanks to bilateral relations and multibilateral endeavours. …

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A Serb Association in Kosovo Would Threaten Integration and Peace

Minority Serbs in Kosovo already enjoy considerable rights under the country’s constitution. Creating an association of Serb-majority municipalities will only further entrench the ethnic divide.One topic currently dominates the so-called dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia – the political association of Kosovo municipalities with a Serb majority, otherwise known as the …

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Caught on Camera: Croatia’s ‘Schengen’ Border with Serbia

Accession to the EU in 2013 and to the Schengen zone on January 1 has meant a serious upgrade when it comes to policing Croatia’s border with Serbia. Illegal crossing are unlikely to go undetected, but that does not stop some from trying. The external frontier of Europe’s passport-free Schengen …

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Sisi is in danger and the Army is in the dock

Since the collapse of the economic situation in Egypt on the morning of the eleventh of this January and the dollar has exceeded the level of thirty pounds, the Western press is only talking about one main suspect: the Egyptian Army. In the new agreement concluded by Egypt and the …

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Has Saudi Arabia abandoned the Sisi regime?

In a big surprise, the Saudi writer, Turki Al-Hamad, who is close to the decision-making circles in his country, launched an attack on the Egyptian regime’s policy through a series of tweets he posted on his Twitter account, which were reported by Arab and international media. The writer wondered about …

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La « crise de démence ukrainienne » de l’UE affecte l’ensemble du Moyen-Orient

En bref, l’OTAN, en agissant de manière impétueuse (c’est-à-dire en poursuivant l’escalade en Ukraine), peut devenir un prétexte pour garantir l’avenir de la Russie en tant que super-État asiatique, ce qui, en fin de compte, marquera la fin de la route pour les monnaies fiduciaires. Une tempête a éclaté au …

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Former Israeli PM Reveals Putin’s Assurance To Not Kill Ukrainian President During War

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin promised not to kill Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a video published on Bennett’s YouTube channel. Bennett flew to Moscow on Saturday, March 5, 2022, accompanied by his housing minister, Ze’ev Elkin, who acted as a translator …

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DR Ljubisavljević: „Nedostaje mi Srbija, ali država ne!“

Nikola Ljubisavljević iz Jagodine je mladi lekar u Nemačkoj i ima brutalnu, ali korisnu poruku državi i ministarki srbijanskog zdravstva Danici Grujičić Poštovana ministarka, čuvajte mlade lekare kao malo vode na dlanu, trebaće vam! Olako su ih oni prethodni pustili da odu. Mi koji smo daleko, ne patimo za svojom …

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LEVCHENKO: “Smrt ruskom fašizmu! Sloboda demokratskoj Evropi!”

Oleksandr Levchenko: Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin je danas ono što je bio Hitler prije 80 godina, a Bahmut je današnji Staljingrad Povodom godišnjice bitke za Staljingrad (1943. g.) Putin je najavio da će se „ruska vojska opet kao i osamdeset godina prije boriti sa njemačkim tenkovima koji su došli na rusko …

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Ramić: “Deklaracija u režiji HNS-a je nedopustivo veličanje zločinačke paradržave”

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IGK) reagovao povodom današnje Deklaracije Hrvatskog narodnog sabora IGK reakcija je povodom tačke 2 šestog poglavlja danađnje Deklaracije XI. Zasjedanja Hrvatskoga narodnog sabora Bosne i Hercegovine. Anticivilizacijsko negiranje haške presude nevladine organizacije Hrvatskog narodnog sabora (HNS) je antibosanski čin u pravcu teritorijalne autonomije Hrvata, podjelom …

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