
Băsescu cere iar sursele de finanţare a pensiilor

Preşedintele Traian Băsescu cere din nou Guvernului să precizeze sursele pentru finanţarea, până în 2013, a majorării pensiilor. Prezent la primul Congres al Federaţiei Asociaţiilor de Pensionari din România, şeful statului le-a dat şi un terem limită guvernanţilor pentru aceste precizări: sfârşitul anului 2007.

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Vanghelie despre Videanu: Lumea crede minciunile gogonate ale acestui maimuţoi opărit?!

Reprezentanţii PSD nu sunt de acord cu propunerea PC de suspendare din funcţie a primarului general al Capitalei. Marian Vanghlie vrea ca Adriean Videanu să îşi termine mandatul, astfel încât bucureştenii să îi vadă adevărata faţă.

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Polt: Security Council resolution on Kosovo status not the only option

Outgoing US Ambassador to Belgrade Michael Polt said that a Kosovo status resolution by the UN Security Council is desirable, but not the only option available. Polt, whose term ends this summer, said that a decision from the Security Council will be welcomed, but if this doesn’t happen, the US …

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Terrorist admits to have planned attack on Turkish president

Alparslan Arslan, the radical Islamist who attacked Turkey’s top administrative court in May 2006, killing one judge and injuring four others, admitted during a court hearing Thursday (July 26th) that he had planned more assaults — including one on President Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

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Kosovo to hold elections in November

Kosovo’s leaders and UNMIK head Joachim Ruecker agreed Thursday (July 26th) that local and parliamentary elections will take place in the province in November. Although there are some concerns that elections could be an obstacle to resolving Kosovo’s status, the two processes can move together, Ruecker said after meeting with …

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