
PC şi mai mulţi pensionari au făcut un apel la preşedintele Băsescu să promulge legea pensiilor

O delegaţie compusă din aproximativ 30 de pensionari, însoţită de doi lideri ai PC, Ioan Ţundrea şi Codruţ Şereş, au depus astăzi la Palatul Cotroceni mai multe apeluri prin care-i solicită şefului statului să promulge legea de majorare a pensiilor.

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Turkey’s main parties divided over whether next president must come from new parliament

The two main parties — the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Republican People’s Party (CHP) — are at odds over whether the next president must be a member of the new parliament, according to local press reports Wednesday (July 11th).

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Fiscal decentralisation starts in Macedonia

Two years after Macedonian authorities started transferring responsibility to the local level, the second phase of the country’s decentralisation plan is under way. Earlier this month, five municipalities, out of a total 85, asked to take over financial responsibility in several areas.

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