
Congressman Bob Filner: Let the Iranian Resistance Take the Lead

Congressman Bob Filner, Democrat from California, spoke to a crowd of 50,000 Iranians in Paris, Saturday June 30.  He criticized the EU policy toward the Iranian regime and expressed support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s proposed “Third Option” as the only solution the current Iran-West crisis.

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Fuel Uprising: One of the detainees dies in Gohardasht Prison

Last night, Mr. Mohammad Jalali, a 25-year-old man who set himself on fire in protest to the fuel rationing by the mullahs’ regime in Iran, died after not receiving any medical care in the notorious Gohardasht Prison in the outskirt of Karaj City, thirty Kilometers west of Tehran.

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Iran admits sanctions hurting oil industry

Iran admitted on Tuesday that international sanctions imposed over its controversial nuclear programme were harming its ability to invest in oil infrastructure, the backbone of its economy.

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