
Gates pushes Iraq’s leaders on reconciliation at ‘difficult’ talks

BAGHDAD (AP) — American paratroopers found the ID cards of two missing soldiers at an Al Qaeda safe house 125 kilometres north of where the men were snatched in an ambush last month, the military said on Saturday. The soldiers found computers, video equipment and weapons but no sign of …

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US to lift sanctions on new Abbas gov’t

RAMALLAH (AP) — Embattled Mahmoud Abbas got a major boost in his increasingly bellicose showdown with Hamas on Saturday, with a US diplomat saying he expects a crippling 15-month-old foreign aid embargo to be lifted once the Palestinian president appoints an emergency government without the Islamic fighters.

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a.a با انتشار گزارش كميته وينوگراد، پيرامون نتايج تحقيقات صورت گرفته درباره عوامل تأثيرگذار بر شكست اسراييل در جنگ 33 روزه، حجم قابل توجهي از واكنش‌ها Ùˆ مطالبات سياسي،‌كابينه اولمرت را در بر گرفت. مطالبات مذكور عمدتاً بر 2 وضعيت سقوط كابينه يا اصلاح سياستهاي آن استوارند، مطالباتي كه حيات …

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Geoană: PSD pregătit să depună moţiune de cenzură sau să meargă spre anticipate

Dacă actuala situaţie politică nu se rezolvă în perioada următoare, partidul PSD nu va ezita să depună o moţiune de cenzură sau să accepte declanşarea alegerilor anticipate, a declarat preşedintele Partidului Social Democrat, Mircea Geoană.

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