
Egypt sends more peacekeepers to Darfur

KHARTOUM, May 28 — Egypt dispatched 78 troops to join African Union peacekeepers in Darfur, three days after one of its officers was killed in in the war-torn Sudanese region, Egyptian officials said on Sunday.

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Egypt Fumes At US Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood

(RTTNews) – Egypt has strongly condemned a Sunday meeting of four US members of Congress and the head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s bloc in Parliament, accusing the US of adopting double standards while meeting with the banned Egyptian group but at the same time refusing to meet with the militant …

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Dacă negocierile de la Cotroceni vor eşua, PD ameninţă cu moţiunea de cenzură

Consultările de la Cotroceni dintre preşedinte şi partide reprezintă debutul unei săptămâni care se anunţă a fi destul de agitată din punct de vedere politic. Democraţii ameninţă cu moţiunea de cenzură, social democraţii demarează negocieri pentru obţinerea unei majorităţi parlamentare, iar preşedintele Traian Băsescu va adresa un mesaj Legislativului.

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