
IAEA report likely to reveal Iran atomic advances

VIENNA (Reuters) — Atomic inspectors are expected to report today that Iran has not only ignored an imminent UN deadline to stop enriching uranium but markedly expanded the programme, exposing Tehran to broader sanctions.

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Israel strikes Hamas camps in Gaza, threatens to go after political leaders

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s deputy defence minister threatened Tuesday to target Hamas’  political leaders, calling them “terrorists in suits” after a Hamas rocket attack killed an Israeli woman. The harsh words were backed up by action, with fresh air  strikes on Hamas targets.

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MQM blamed for Karachi killings

Opposition leaders on Monday asserted that bloodshed in Karachi on May 12 had laid the foundation of disintegration of the country under a conspiracy hatched by the regime.

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Chechen children being tested with chemical weapons

The press-service of organization CKNS for protection of human rights, has received news that the mass poisoning of Chechen children at schools of Shelkovsko district is a result of chemical weapons usage by the Russian special services.

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People flee from violence in Lebanon

Thousands of Palestinians are leaving a refugee camp in northern Lebanon after three days of fighting between Fatah al-Islam and the Lebanese army. “Nahr al-Bared residents have taken advantage of the truce in the fighting to escape the besieged and heavily bombarded camp,” Hajj Rifaat, an official from the mainstream …

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