
Egypt nuclear engineer denies spying for Israel

Israel insisted on Tuesday that any information he had divulged was already in the public domain and had been handed over with the blessing of the authorities. insisted on Tuesday that any information he had divulged was already in the public domain and had been handed over with the blessing …

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Egypt eyes tourism investment

EGYPT needs huge investment in the tourism sector to meet anticipated demand for facilities, a top official has said. “The country is experiencing continued investment in hotel development and on-site innovation, with properties across the destination working to increase their hosting capacities,” said Amr el-Ezabi, chairman of Egyptian Tourism Authority. …

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Young Muslims In Cairo Modify The Hijab

Rasha Mohammed is always looking for new hijab styles. When she’s not watching Egyptian fashion TV, Ms. Mohammed is checking out what other young Muslim women are wearing on the street or on the subway. “If I like any of their ways of putting [on the] hijab, I can ask …

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Mubarak: ‘Hamas – no way’

The Egyptian government is at a loss regarding the future of the Gaza Strip, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak said yesterday in talks with senior diplomatic officials. Haaretz has learned that Mubarak expressed great concern over the increasing strength of Hamas. He said Egypt is making great efforts to end the …

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Sentimentul de amaraciune si suparare a ajuns sa cuprinda pe toti palestinienii, indiferent ca sunt in afara, sau in interiorul teritoriilor palestiniene, ocupate sau ne-ocupate, sub asa zisa autoritate palestiniana. Aceasta nu inseamna ca nutrim un sentiment de rusine datorita apartenentei noastre la patria palestiniana. In pofida conflictului fratricid, noi …

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Interviu cu Excelenta sa dl. Ambasador Adli Sadeq (in limba araba)

س: يوم النكبة في الجانب الفلسطيني، يقابله يوم قيام دولة اسرائيل وإعلان استقلالها. بعد 59 عاماً كشف التاريخ أوراقه، نود من سعادتكم أن تحدثونا عن هذا اليوم، من وحي وثائق التاريخ والمؤرخين الإسرائيليين الجدد؟ ج: ليس هناك نكبة، تُصيب شعباً، أفدح وأفظع من استلاب الوطن. وتلاحظون أن ما وقع لشعبنا، …

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Israeli Warplanes Bombard north Jabalya

JABALYA, May 17, 2007, (WAFA)-Israeli warplanes bombarded on Thursday morning the Gaza Strip city of Jabalya, sources said. They added that Israeli warplanes bombarded an area in north Jabalya, where heavy damaged resulted in the area, but no causalities were reported.

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