
Pretextele false ale razboaielor preventive

Motivele” invadarii Irakului se razbuna acum, cand Administratia Bush incearca sa pregateasca terenul pentru o interventie impotriva Iranului * Mecanismul dezinformarii a fost demontat de celebrul Zbigniew Brzezinski si de o ancheta a Pentagonului Campania de dezinformare care a oferit Administratiei Bush justificarea atacarii Irakului a fost pregatita la Pentagon, …

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Syria denies moving troops toward Israel

Syria denied a published report that it is building up its troops along the Israeli border.Israeli Radio reported that Syrian Parliament member Mohammed Habash told Al Arabiya television that the country has not changed its troops along the border, denying a report from the Haaretz news service.

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Prince Harry to be deployed to Iraq

Prince Harry, third in line to the British throne, is getting his wish to serve in Iraq.The Ministry of Defence ended speculation that had been swirling for about a week by announcing Thursday the 22-year-old prince will be sent to Iraq with his Blues and Royals regiment in May or …

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We won’t budge but we can still talk, says Iran’s man in London

As Iran yesterday defied the United Nations deadline for freezing its nuclear programme, its ambassador in London said that it had no intention of budging from its position. “For sure, we are going to stress our inalienable right . . . within the bounds of the NPT [Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty] …

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The retreat from Basra

It is an admission of defeat. Iraq is turning into one of the world’s bloodiest battlefields in which nobody is safe. Blind to this reality, Tony Blair said yesterday that Britain could safely cut its forces in Iraq because the apparatus of the Iraqi government is growing stronger.

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