
Congress ready to end Iraq War

Even before they cast symbolic votes against the Iraq war, newly empowered congressional Democrats are clamoring for a chance to limit and eventually end US involvement in a conflict that has killed more than 3,000 troops.

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MP Zahalka: Olmert’s government nixed recommendations to avoid harming Aqsa gate

Nazareth – The Arab Knesset (Israeli parliament) member Jamal Zahalka has revealed that the Israeli government of premier Ehud Olmert had rejected recommendations tabled by more that 30 archeologists across the world to avoid harming the Magharba gate.

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Palestinian workers’ syndicates support Makka agreement, want it translated on the ground

Gaza – Secretary-general of the Islamic syndicates’ union of Palestinian workers Ahmed Kotob has urged Hamas and Fatah Movements to implement the unity government agreement which they signed Thursday in the holy city of Makka.

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