
979 US and 216 Puppet Troops Terminated in Iraqi Anbar Provice in July Alone

A report published in the Washington Post concerning U.S. Marine intelligence Col. Pete Devlin assessing a dire state in al-Anbar governorate and prospects dim for improvement, is cited by the Mujahideen Shura Council in Iraq in a statement issued on September 14, 2006.

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Time for Peace in Chechnya, Say Russians

Many adults in Russia believe their russian government should negotiate with Chechen mujahiddeen, according to a poll by the Yury Levada Analytical Center. 68 per cent of respondents believe their country should attempt to begin peace talks.

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2 Terrorists Executed in Two Russian-Occupied Caucasian Muslim States

A former local deputy chief of the Russian terrorist entity “Interior ministry’s main department”, a certain colonel Krivtsov, had been executed in the Russian-occupied Caucasian Muslim State of Nogai Orda (Russian name, Stavropol Territory) on Friday, September 15. The terrorist committed numerous crimes against Muslim civilians during the raids of …

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