
CIA agents on secret visits to Riga and Tallinn

The US Central Intelligence Agency agents have visited Estonia within the framework of the November NATO summit due to take place in Riga, Latvia, daily SL Ohtuleht writes today. The CIA aircraft Boeing 737-300 with an identification number S0508 spent three days in the airport of Tallinn. 

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Hizbollah kills 11 Israelis

Hizbollah fighters killed eight people in a rocket barrage on Israel and three Israeli soldiers in clashes in Lebanon on Thursday, the deadliest day of the war for Israel in 23 days of fighting. As world powers struggled to agree on a UN resolution to end the fighting, both sides …

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Blair’s stance weakens his authority

LONDON — British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s stance on the Lebanon crisis has deepened divisions in his Labour Party, further weakening his authority and potentially hastening his departure from office. While working furiously to agree a United Nations resolution to resolve the conflict, Blair has refused from its outset to …

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Thousands of Iraq Shiites gather for march as coalition warns of civil war

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Thousands of Shiites converged on Baghdad ahead of a major demonstration planned for Friday as British and US officials warned that Iraq’s bitter sectarian conflict could push the country into civil war. Shiite protesters were summoned to the capital by radical cleric Moqtada Sadr in order to …

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Ahmadinejad says solution ‘end of Zionist regime’

TEHRAN (AFP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday the answer to the conflict in south Lebanon was the “elimination of the Zionist regime”, slamming Israel’s “war against humanity”. “The real cure for the conflict is elimination of the Zionist regime, but there should be first an immediate ceasefire,” the …

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Command, logistics main problems for proposed Lebanon peacekeepers

LONDON — The biggest obstacle to creating an international peacekeeping force in Lebanon is determining who will lead it, while questions remain over troops and transport, defence analysts said on Thursday. The two most likely and experienced candidates to lead the peacekeepers would be the European Union or France, with …

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Trauma of war leaves mother without milk

BEIRUT — Fadia Ballout can no longer nurse her son as he screams with hunger. Traumatised by her family’s escape from a southern Lebanese village close to Qana, where an Israeli air strike killed 60 people on Sunday, her breastmilk has stopped. As 18-month-old Hussein latched onto his mother’s breast, …

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Tyre, the morgue of south

TYRE — A stinging odour hangs over the Palestinian refugee camp of Bass, at the entrance to the southern Lebanese city of Tyre, the chosen site for a mass grave for the dozens of victims of Israel’s blistering bombardment of the area. “Tyre has now become the morgue for the …

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US troops accused of killing Iraqi detainees refuse to testify

TIKRIT, Iraq (AFP) — Four US soldiers accused of killing three Iraqi prisoners refused to give evidence on Thursday as a military hearing heard that one of the captives’ brains were blown out as he lay injured. The troops followed the lead of several of their superior officers, invoking their …

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